As part of forced displacement policy... Settlers from a new pastoral outpost force "Wadi al Faw" community to leave / Tubas Governorate | LRC


As part of forced displacement policy... Settlers from a new pastoral outpost force "Wadi al Faw" community to leave / Tubas Governorate

  • Violation: Forcing the "Wadi Al-Faw" community into forced migration.
  • Location: Wadi Al-Faw in the Northern Jordan Valley area / Tubas Governorate.
  • Date of violation: 27/02/2025.
  • Perpetrator: A group of settlers.
  • Impacted party: 3 families from the Abu Aram family - 12 individuals.


 A group of settlers from the new pastoral outpost established in the Wadi Al-Faw area, specifically in the Northern Jordan Valley, targeted the Bedouin community in that area by carrying out several repeated attacks including harassment of citizens, closing all agricultural roads leading to them, restricting their movements to the point of preventing them from moving and passing through, in addition to damaging the tires of their water tankers.

This led to forcing three Palestinian families - who remained in the community after the last displacement process about a year ago - to relocate again and leave the area completely due to the escalating attacks by settlers there.

The map above shows the location of the outpost established in 2019, and the new outpost is located only 300 meters away from it

The following table shows the number of families who were forcibly displaced from their place of residence due to repeated settler attacks:

Impacted Citizen

Family Member

Female number

Children Number

Dismantled facilities

Number of letters sheep

Yasser Younis Abu Aram




90m² residential tent


110m² sheep tent


60m² sheep tent


90m² sheep tent


160m² sheep pen


Eid Yasser Younis Abu Aram




60m2 residential tent


Shamekh Yasser Younis Abu Aram





60m2 residential tent









For his part, Mr. Mahdi Daraghmeh, head of the Malih community, told the LRC researcher the following:

 "What is happening is actually a policy to displace the remaining Bedouin population and farmers in the northern Jordan Valley area, as there are many communities that have been forcibly displaced in the Jordan Valley areas in general. It is an open war through which the occupation wants to annex the Jordan Valley and prevent Palestinian presence of all kinds, and for settlers to control what remains of the Jordan Valley lands through planting pastoral outposts. The occupation exploits the condition of the residents and their lack of resources by putting pressure on them with the aim of forcing them to leave the area completely."

According to field research indicators, previously during the year 2024, a family that was living in the Wadi Al-Faw community was forced into compulsory displacement due to the burning of the family's tents after harassment by settlers. Today, the occupation is completing the emptying of the Wadi Al-Faw area by displacing the three families that remained in the community, which means the occupation's effective control now over more than 400 dunums that were in the vicinity of the community and are now completely under the control of settlers.

It is worth mentioning that what the occupation state is doing amounts to a war crime through controlling lands after displacing all residents from them and imposing new facts on the ground and facilitating Judaization work on them.

It is noteworthy that according to the field documentation of the LRC, the Israeli occupation and its settlers from 07/10/2023 until the end of 2024 have displaced 38 Palestinian residential communities, whether partially or completely, meaning 355 Palestinian families (2,209 individuals, including 891 children). Today, the three Abu Aram families are added to these families, bringing the number of forcibly displaced families to 358 families from 38 Palestinian residential communities, as the Wadi Al-Faw community has become completely evacuated.

مشروع: حماية الحقوق البيئية الفلسطينية في مناطق "ج" SPERAC IV   - FCDO

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this report are those of Land Research Center and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the project donor; the Norwegian Refugee Council.

إخلاء المسؤولية: الآراء ووجهات النظر الواردة في هذا التقرير هي آراء ووجهات نظر مركز أبحاث الأراضي ولا تعكس بالضرورة وجهات نظر أو مواقف الجهة المانحة للمشروع؛ المجلس النرويجي. للاجئين